Black Male Teachers
When Black boys experience Black male teachers, they are more likely to succeed in school, reach lifelong success, and become teachers.

Teaching Skills
When Black males have culturally-relevant opportunities to expand their teaching skills, they have the tools to stay in the teaching profession longer.

to Teaching
When Black males have their own early exposure to teaching, they are more likely to begin a career in education.

When Black males explore their own identities, they become more effective classroom teachers.
The Why
Research points to four factors that lead Black men to and through the classroom. We lean into these four factors as we work with partner organizations to build local pipelines to bring Black males to teaching.
The 4Es Framework for Black Male Teachers
When schools recruit, retain, and retire more Black male teachers, then more students in every demographic receive a higher quality education, increasing the likelihood of prosperity and building wealth in adulthood.
The Model
A one-year cohort of Black male college students who build community through engaging in affinity-based learning while discovering their passion for teaching. This 10-month fellowship includes the following:
- Completing 22 asynchronous weekly learning modules
- Connecting with other fellows during ten monthly cohort seminars
- Waived cost of attendance to Future Teachers Institute at Shady Hill School
- Conducting education research
- Earning the Future Teacher Certificate (from HIM & SHTTC)
Learn more & apply
A regular convening for a collective of individuals and institutions in a given city that directly and indirectly engages in practices, develops policies, and cultivates environments that lead to increasing the number of Black men who are recruited, retained, and retired from teaching.
Join your local initiative here
An affinity space for current, aspiring, and former Black male teachers to build community, learn about national opportunities for Black male teachers, and access career and professional development.
Network Coming Soon
A 24-week curriculum designed to improve the social-emotional development of Black males in K-8, which Black male college students facilitate.What impact do you want to have on the world as an adult?
Curriculum for Purchase Coming Soon
This fellowship exposed me to teaching
He Is Me Fellow
The Team at He Is Me understands what our teachers needed.
District Partner
After my son participated [in I am King] i saw a change in his sense of self.
Parent, I AM KING Program
Our Partners
We work with institutions to build a Black male teacher pipeline and make an impact. Below are a few of our partners in this work.