Black male teachers are leaving the profession at alarming rates. Despite being only 1.3% of the teaching workforce, they have

Black male teachers are leaving the profession at alarming rates. Despite being only 1.3% of the teaching workforce, they have
Building Pathways: Highlights from He is Me's Inaugural Summit for Black Male Teachers "The networking and collective thinking in the
He Is Me Institute and Breakthrough Collaborative Partner to Deepen Impact for Black Male Teachers He Is Me Institute and
In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, the role of teachers extends far beyond classroom instruction. It encompasses mentorship, inspiration, and
Boston, November 27, 2023 As we embark on this transformative experience together, we want to share the journey with you!
Boston, October 31, 2023 –The Barr Foundation has once again affirmed its commitment to fostering equity and innovation in education
Boston, September 25, 2023 –The Wedding of Rob and AshleyLove stories are as diverse as the people who live them;
94 years of training teachers to be change agents in their communities He is Me Institute is proud to call
Boston, July 29, 2023 –Dear Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs),I write to you today with a mix of emotions,
Boston, May 29, 2023 – He is Me Institute (HIM), a Boston-based nonprofit whose mission is to bring more Black
This weekend, CREED III premiered nationwide in theatres. The film serves as the assumed end of the Creed franchise but
While 1 in 4 teachers are "dropping out of school", there's a strong movement to bring teachers of color into
Exploring the history of Black education and Black educators during Black History Month uncovered a gold mine of amazing stories.
Janelle Engerman was chosen competitively to represent He is Me Institute in the 11th Annual Nonprofit Learning Institute, sponsored by Philanthropy
We believe that equitable and high-quality education can produce a generation of adults who achieve financial freedom, regardless of physical or geographical demographics.